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Lied To Death

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During the time leading up to America’s Civil War, the United States was torn in two. Today’s division is not like that…

Whose Land Is It?

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The boundaries were set in Genesis 15:18…

What Does it Mean to Stand with Israel? (Part 1)

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During the past week, the animosity and hostility spouted against the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have grown to a level that we might have considered unfathomable…

SUNDAY STUDY: The Earth: Formed for a Purpose

| Editor
God’s purpose in forming the earth was for it to be inhabited…

Prophecy Today Radio, May 4, 2024: Protest Against Israel

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Examining current events in the light of God’s prophetic word…

A Letter From Ken Timmerman: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

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Every now and then you see a headline that makes you smile. This one made me laugh out loud…